Fog 8 Players

These are the Players for Fog of War 8.

Blue Team

BS1 - Gordon Whitney, Klingon Base, Admiral
BS2 - Majead Farsi, Fed NCV + 12 F-18s
BS3 - Brad Bellows, Fed GSC + 2 F-18s
BS4 - Fred Kreller, Romulan FHA
BS5 - Jon Berry, ISC CM
BS6 - Frank Brooks, Klingon D6D
BS7 - Jason Langdon, Klingon DWL
BS8 - Nick Blank, Gorn HDD+
BS9 - Lucky Coleman, Fed DAR + 2 F18s


BS10 - Brad Bellows, Gorn BDD
BS11 - Lucky Coleman, Rom WE
BS12 - Jon Berry, Gorn BDD

Green Team

GS1 - Paul Franz, Lyran Base, Admiral
GS2 - Kevin Klemmer, Klingon C9
GS3 - Tos Crawford, Hydran Ranger + 9 St-2s
GS4 - Dave Trauger, Gorn CCH
GS5 - Sandy Hemenway, Lyran NCA
GS6 - John Trauger, Rom KDR
GS7 - Troy Latta, Hydran DDS+ + 4 St-2s
GS8 - Glenn Hoepfner, Fed NCL+
GS9 - Michael Guntley, Kzinti CD+


GS10 - John Trauger, Fed FFB

Note that due to players dropping out, some players on the Green team were playing two ships. John ended up playing GS6 and GS8, while Dave ended up playing GS4 and GS7.

Sandy Hemenway was a late addition due to John Coleman dropping out before the game began.