(XE8.0) X-MAULERS: The Mauler is essentially unchanged from standard technology to First Generation X-technology, but changes were made to the support structure for the weapon. X-batteries reacted very badly to use with a Mauler so battery banks were replaced a unified capacitor bank, which simplified using the Mauler. (XE8.31) CAPACITOR NETWORK: X-Maulers do not use batteries as their primary source of power. Each mauler has an associated capacitor network. The amount of power in each network must be tracked, but the network is not subdivided into "battery groups." (XE8.311) Energy in the capacitor network can be discharged into the Mauler in whatever amounts that is deemed appopriate at the moment of firing. The "battery group" system is not used. (XE8.312) Each box in the capacitor network holds two points of energy. (XE8.313) Except for the amount of energy stored, boxes in the capacitor network are treated in all ways like batteries. They are damaged on battery hits, can be used for reserve power, etc. Mauler capacitor network boxes are repaired as X-batteries. (XE8.314) Ships with a single Mauler weapon mounted in it normally have a 20-box (40 points of energy storage) capacitor network installed. Ships with two Maulers installed usually have 10-box(20 points of storage) networks associated with each weapon. A SC2 X-Mauler has a 24-box (single Mauler) capacitor network or 12 box (per Mauler if more than one) network associated with it. Exceptions will be noted in the ship's description. (XE8.315) Energy may be transferred between batteries and a Mauler capacitor network during the Ship Functions Stage(6B4, Web Step) of any impulse. Note that capacitor network energy can be used as reserve power (XE8.313) so transferring energy out of the network is rarely required. (XE8.316) Actual X-Batteries may still be used with a Mauler. Each battery is considered to be its own group (XE8.52). Discharing X-batteries into a Mauler will cause damage. See (XE8.332). (XE8.33) X-Batteries discharged through a Mauler are damaged in the same way as non-battery power systems, but are not otherwise under the restrictions in (E8.331) or (E8.333). (E8.334) applies to any In practice, battery energy is usually transferred (XE8.315) into the capacitor network before being used in the mauler, which does no damage to the batteries. (XE8.332) When energy from X-batteries is discharged directly into any Mauler, X-Battery boxes equal to 1/6 of the amount of power (rounded up) are destroyed as a result. This damage occurs any time X-batteries are discharged into any Mauler on any ship regardless of whether the ship is a X-ship or not. (XE8.333) Battery damage from (XE8.332) must be scored against X-batteries on the ship. Non-X batteries (if any) may not be damaged in the place of X-batteries, nor may the damage be scored on Mauler Capacator boxes. (XE8.52) As with Andromedan batteries, each individual X-battery box is treated as a separate battery group for mauler purposes. (XG16.0 X-STASIS FIELDS) (XG16.20: The energy required to generate and maintain a stasis field is unchanged. (XG16.21) A X-SFG may place up to four targets in stasis, instead of three. (XG16.211) There are no additional energy costs to generating or maintaining a stasis field beyond the costs outline in (XG16.20) for generating and maintianing each field. (XG16.22) A X-SFG may hold up to 20 points of energy. The hold cost is equal to 1/2 the energy in the SFG at Energy Allocation. (XG16.221) At WS-III, a X-SFG may start a scenario holding up to 10 points of energy. (XG16.33) The reactivation time for a X-SFG is 64 impulses instead of 96. (XG16.4) The effects of being in stasis are unchanged. (XG16.7) Releasing a unit from stasis is unchanged.