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HR5 Game 5216Russell SawyervsFrank Bradford |
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HR5216.1.32.sitrep (EOT) vorlon@vorlonagent.com Autobreak condition met for Both End of turn We are at the end of Turn 31 SOP(s) due from both by 10/8/99 Turn 1 Impulse 32 Positions/speeds after impulse 32 movement ------------------------------------------ IS ISC TC - 2318B Speed 24 HY Hydran TLM - 2212C Speed 30 F1 Hydran Ftr #1 - 1912C Speed 07 F2 Hydran Ftr #2 - 2011C Speed 15 P1 ISC Plasma #1 - 2214B Speed 32 P2 ISC Plasma #2 - 2115B Speed 32 P3 ISC Plasma #3 - 2215B Speed 32 S1 Hyd Shuttle #1 - 2213C Speed 06 S2 Hyd Shuttle #2 - 2213C Speed 06 Movement Imp IS HY F1 F2 P1 P2 P3 --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 01 02 2429A 1601D 03 1702D 1702D 04 2428A 1602D 05 1602D 1602D 06 2328A 1503D 07 1603D 1603D 08 2327A 1504D 09 1404D 1504D 1504D 10 2226A 11 1505C 1604C 1604C 12 2225A 13 1506C 1705C 1705C 14 2125A 15 1606C 1706C 1706C 16 2124A 1707C 17 18 2023A 1708D 1707D 1707D 19 2022A 20 1922A 1608D 1607D 1607D 21 22 1921A 1609D 1608D 1608D 23 1820A 24 1819A 1610D 1609D 1609D 25 1711D 1710D 1710D 26 1919A 27 1918A 1712D 1711D 1711D 1918A 28 2017B 1812D 1811C 1811C 1917A 29 1913C 1916A 1917F 30 2118B 2012C 1911C 2015A 1916A 2016F 31 2217B 2113C 2115B 2015B 2116B 32 2318B 2212C 1912C 2011C 2214B 2115B 2215B 2213C 2213C Actions: Imp Activity --- -------------------------------------------------- 01 Hydran Launches both fighters, speed 15, direction D 16 ISC announces mid-turn speed change to 24 16 Hydran tractors both fighters 24 ISC fires PPD at Hydran. Range = 10. Roll = 2. Wavelock 1+4+1 to shields 6,1,2. After reinforcement, damage is 1+4+1. 25 ISC PPD does 1+4+1 to Hydran shields 6,1,2. Hydran reinforcement = 0,0,0 for 1+4+1 to shields 6,1,2 26 Hydran announces mid-turn speed chamnge to 30 ISC launches 20-pt plasma from Luancher C, direction A ISC fires P-1's 1-4 at Hydran fighters, 2 at each fighter. Range is 10. Rolls are 1,5,1,4 for 3+0=3 damage to fighter #1 and 3+0=3 damage to fighter #2. ISC PPD does 1+4+1 to Hydran shields 6,1,2. 27 Hydran drops tractor beams to fighters ISC fires 2x P-1 at Hydran Fighter #1. Range is 8. Rolls are 2,5 for 3+1 = 4 damage. Fighter #1 is crippled. ISC PPD does 1+4+1 to Hydran shields 6,1,2. 28 ISC launches 20-point plasma from launcher D, facing direction F 29 ISC launches 20-point plasma from launcher B, facing direction A Fighter F2 fires 2x Fusion at ISC, Hydran fires 2x Fusions (std), 5x P-1, 1x Hellbore(std) at ISC. Hellbore to hit after main DF weapons (naturally) Range is 7 for F2, 5 for Hydran. Rolls are 2,5 (F2 fusions), 4,6,1,3,2,5,5 and 5 for the hellbore for 3+1+ 1+0+5+4+4+3+3 = 24 damage to ISC shield #6 and 13 hellbore damage, undoubtably to do 7 to Shield #6 and 6 to the other 5 shields. ISC reinforcement stops 5 points of direct damage, taking 19 damage to shield #6 and an additional +7 from the hellbore!for a total of 26 damage to Shield 6 and 1 to all other shields except for Shield #5 which takes 2. 30 F1 and F2 fire a total of 5x P-3s at ISC while Hydran fires other Hellbore (std) at ISC to hit BEFORE normal DF weapons. F1 and F2 both fire at range-8 while Hydran range is 6. Rolls are 4,3,5,2,2 and 5 for the Hellbore. Phaser damage is 0+0+0+1+1 and hellbore damage is 7 to Shield #6, 1 to each other shield and 1 spare for ISC to allocate. Fighter phasers do another 2 damage. ISC uses no reinforcement. Hellbore does 3 internals and fighters phasers do another 2 (hellbore is an independent volley). Internals are 8,6,9 and 3,4 for 1x A. Hull, 1x F. Hull, 1x L. Warp, 1x drone(ISC plasma #D) and 1x phaser (#7). Extra Point of damage goes to Shield #5. 31 Hydran launches 2 shuttles, speed 6, direction C Shields 1 2 3 4 5 6 HYD 14 26 24 24 24 26 ISC 28 28 22 22 20 0
HR5216.2.32.sitrep vorlon@vorlonagent.com Autobreak condition met for both End of turn We are at the end of movement, IMP 32 EAF(s) due from both by 10/29/99 Sorry for the delay, guys. Turn 2 Impulse 32 Positions/speeds after impulse 32 movement ------------------------------------------ IS ISC TC - 1424F Speed 17 HY Hydran TLM - 2008D Speed 14 F1 Hydran Ftr #1 - 2108E Speed 14 (Landed) F2 Hydran Ftr #2 - 1907E Speed 14 (Landed) P1 ISC Plasma #1 - 2704A Speed 32 (Destroyed) P2 ISC Plasma #2 - 2807A Speed 32 (Destroyed) P3 ISC Plasma #3 - 2504A Speed 32 (Destroyed) S1 Hyd Shuttle #1 - 2017E Speed 06 S2 Hyd Shuttle #2 - 2017E Speed 06 Movement Imp IS HY F1 F2 P1 P2 P3 S1 S2 --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 01 2213A 2215B 2214A 02 2418C 2312B 2313B 2314B 2314B 03 2411B 2111C 2412B 2413B 2413B 04 2419C 2511B 2512B 2513B 2513B 05 2610B 2012C 2211C 2611B 2612B 2612B 06 2520C 2710B 2711B 2712B 2712B 2314C 2314C 07 2809B 2210A 2810B 2811B 2811B 08 2521C 2808A 2809A 2810A 2810A 09 2807A 2209A 2808A 2809A 2809A 10 2522D 2806A 2112B 2807A 2808A 2808A 11 2805A&nbsq; 2208A 2806A 2807A 2807A 2315D 2315D 12 2422D 2705A 2706F xxxxx 2707F 13 2604F 2207A 2605F xxxxx 2606F 14 2423D 2111A 2604A xxxxx 2605A 15 2504F 2206A xxxxx xxxxx 2505F 16 2324D xxxxx xxxxx 2504A 2316D 2316D 17 2224E xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 18 2404F 2205A xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 19 2125E 2110A xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 20 2304F 2204A xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 21 2024E xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 22 2204F 2104F xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 2216E 2216E 23 1925E 2105E 2109A 2105E xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 24 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 25 1824F xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 26 2106E xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 27 1725F xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 2117E 2117E 28 2006E 2108A xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 29 1624F xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 30 2007D xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 31 1525F 2007D xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 32 1424F 2008D xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 2017E 2017E Actions: Imp Activity --- -------------------------------------------------- 04 Hydran announces mid-turn speed change to 30 06 Hydran fighters F1 and F2 fire a total of 5 P-3's at ISC. Range is 10 for both. Rolls are 4,6,5,3,5 for 0 damage. 07 Hydran Fighter #2 HETs to direction A 11 ISC plasma #2 dissipates. Hydran fires 2 pulses from RS P-G at ISC plasma #1. Range is 1. Rolls are 3,2 for 8 damage, -4 to warhead strength 13 Hydran announces mid-turn speed change to 15 14 ISC plasma #1 dissipates just before impacting Hydran. IMP 14 was its 20th hex of movement, dropping its warhead strength to 1 before the -4 warhead from phaser damage. 15 Hydran fires 2 pulses from LS P-G at ISC plasma #3. Range is 1. Rolls are 5,5 for 6 damage, -3 to warhead strength 16 ISC plasma #3 impacts Hydran Shield #5. It travelled 19 hexes and took 6 points of phaser damage (-3 warhead). Plasma does 2 damage- 0 reinforcement = 2 damage to Shield #5. 22 Hydran tractors fighter #2, declares special landing prodecure. 23 Hydran fighter #2 is rotated into Hydran's hex, lands. 30 Hydran tractors fighter #1, declares special landing prodecure. 31 Hydran fighter #1 is rotated into Hydran's hex, lands. Shields 1 2 3 4 5 6 HYD 14 26 24 24 22 26 ISC 28 28 22 22 20 0
HR5216.3.32.sitrep (EOT update) vorlon@vorlonagent.com Autobreak condition met for Both end of turn We are at the end of Turn 3 EAF(s) due from Both by 11/19/99 This Sitrep includes Turn 3 repairs (thanls for the reminder, Russ) WE ARE ON THE WEB! Your game is at http://www.topcities.com/OuterSpace/vorlon/5216.html Feel free to look at the other games and check out my archives. Turn 3 Impulse 32 Positions/speeds after impulse 32 movement ------------------------------------------ IS ISC TC - 0923A Speed 12 HY Hydran TLM - 1415B Speed 26 S1 Hyd Shuttle #1 - 1420E Speed 06 S2 Hyd Shuttle #2 - 1420E Speed 06 I1 ISC Plasma #1 - 1420B Speed 32 IA ISC Shuttle #1 - 0724A Speed 06 Movement Imp IS HY S1 S2 I1 IS --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 01 02 03 1325E 1909D 04 05 1910D 06 1326E 1918E 1918E 07 1810E 08 1226E 09 1710E 10 11 1227E 1610E 1818E 1818E 12 13 1511E 14 1127F 1411E 15 1312E 16 1027F 1212E 1719E 1719E 17 18 1113E 19 0927F 1013E 20 0914E 21 0814E 22 0926F 1619E 1619E 23 0815D 24 0825F 0816D 25 0817D 0925B 26 0917B 0924A 27 0824A 1520E 1520E 0923A 0725F 28 1016B 1022B 29 1116B 1122B 30 0924A 1215B 1221B 31 1315B 1321B 32 0923A 1415B 1420E 1420E 1420B 0724A Actions: Imp Activity --- -------------------------------------------------- 00 ISC repairs 1 box on Shield #6, also repairs P-3 #7 13 Hydran announced mid-turn speed change to 26. 24 ISC launches shuttle facing F, speed 6 ISC launches 20-point plasma from torp-E, facing B 25 ISC fired 6x P-1 at Hydran Hydran fires 4x Fusions, 5x P-1, 2x standard Hellbores. 1 Hellbore will hit before normal weapons resolution, 1 will hit after. Range is 8 for everything. First hellbore roll is a 9. Miss. ISC phaser rolls are 4,4,5,1,6,4 for 11 damage to Hydran Shield #1 (sorry for the sucky rolls, Frank) Hydran has no rienforcement. All 11 hit Shield #1. Hydran Fusion rolls are 5,5,3,5; Phaser rolls are 1,2,2,6,2 for 1+1+2+1+4+3+3+0+3 = 18 damage to ISC Shield #2 ISC has 2 reinforcement for 16 damage to Shield #2. Hydran post-weapons Hellbore roll is a 7. Hit for 13 damage. 7 damage hits Shield #6, 6 is distributed to the other 5 shields. ISC has 7 reinforcement on Shield #6, leaving the repaired shield box intact. All other ISC shields take 1 point of damage except shield #2 which takes 2 26 Hydran HETs to direction B 27 ISC fires PPD at Hydran. Range is 8. Roll is 7. Hit. 1+4+1 to Hydran shields 2,3,4. No reinforcement. 1+4+1 damage to shields 2,3,4. 28 ISC PPD does 1+4+1 to Hydran shields 2,3,4 29 ISC PPD does 1+4+1 to Hydran shields 2,3,4 30 ISC PPD does 1+4+1 to Hydran shields 2,3,4 32 ISC Shuttle #1 fires its P-3 at Hydran. Range is 12. Roll is 2. Miss. Post-32 ISC repairs 2 boxes on Shield #6 and repairs L. Warp as AWR. Hydran repairs 4 damage on Fighter #1 Shields 1 2 3 4 5 6 HYD 3 22 8 20 22 26 ISC 21 10 21 21 19 3
03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/\ 11 / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/\ 12 / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/\ 13 / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/\ 14 / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/HYB\___/ \___/\ 15 / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/\ 16 / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/\ 17 / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/\ 18 / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/\ 19 / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/S1E\___/ \___/\ 20 / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/\ 21 / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/\ 22 / \___/ \___/ \___/ISA\___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/\ 23 / \___/ \___/IAA\___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/\ 24 / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/\ 25 / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/\ 26 / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/\ 27 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Map legend: ------------------------------------ ISA - ISC TC 0923A Speed 12 _A_ HYB - Hydran TLM 1415B Speed 26 F/ \B S1E - Hyd Shuttle #1 1420E Speed 06 E\___/C S2E - Hyd Shuttle #2 1420E Speed 06 D I1B - ISC Plasma #1 1420B Speed 32 IAA - ISC Shuttle #1 0724A Speed 06
Game: H5216
Turn: 4 Impulse: 10
due from ISC
In Corner #1: Weighing 184,000 tons, Representing the race with the motto of "In yo' face", Russel Sawyer in the Hydran TLM In Corner #2: Weighing 182,000 tons, Representing the those paragons of goodness and niceness (all at the while pointing an Uzi at you), Frank Bradford in the ISC TC |
Two of my HR4
fights were exactly this matchup. Lemme tell you, the Hydran is one
helluva fight for the ISC. 4213 never really
finished (but Tom Gondolfi was pushing me hard) and 4130
was a Hydran victory pulled from the jaws of defeat pulled from the jaws
of victory. The Hydran P-G's chew up plasma (especially with fighters
are flying around). He can afford to burn the phasers on plasma because
he can still notch a shield for hellbore use at ranges as far as10
with the 6-8 fusions he has between fighters and ship. The ISC wants
to bob and weave, hold distance while chucking plasma out of every orifice
and the Hydran just keeps coming at him, juggernaught-like. As 4130
showed so well, one of the keys to the Hydran is power management.
When playing the Hydran, I often turned away on Turn 1. My theory
was that the Hydran was stronger on Turn 2 than 1 if the ship could keep
the range open. The ship doesn't start with fusions armed so the
Hydran has to do that on turn 1 and 8 points is a pretty big chomp out
of your power curve. I figured I could manage the 4 for holding them,
hence the turn-away, then come back on 2 when I'm holding. In 4130,
Jason Gingerich solves that problem by simply not loading his fusions at
all. Makes much more sense and makes the Hydran a "threat for all
turns" because both his heavy weapons fire every other turn. One
turn it's the fusions, next it's the hellbores (maybe even OLed) while
the fusions are cooling and taking no power. Wonder how Russel's
going to play it?
Turn 1
Turn 2
Turn 3
An aside: I don't know if I agree with this entirely. ISC Shield #6 is almost assuredly going to be the weak shield on the pre-weapons-damage Hellbore volley. Frank is NOT going to drop 23 points of reinforcement on that shield. The ISC doesn't have that kind of juice, even going as slow as speed-12. But the ISC *does* have the juice to reinforce enough to block one hellbore and deny the Hydran the extra Mizia volley he's looking for. Firing a Hellbore ahead of weapons fire seems like going directly against the ISC's strength. I'd have shot both HBs after DF weapons and let both hellbores chew on whatever shield is weaker. Worst that would happen is Shield #2 and #6 would balance, directing 1/3 of the hellbore damage to each. Back to live action. The ISC's phaser rolls and the Hydran's fusion rolls both suck, but the Hydran's phaser rolls are stellar enough to almost compensate: Hydran takes 11 (average 13) to that fragile 14-point Shield #1 and the ISC Shield #6 takes 18 (average 19) to Shield #2. We pause now for reinforcement and station identification. Stay tuned for the post-weapons hellbore result. The Hydran takes it all on shields and the ISC gets its Shield
#2 thumped good. Unfortunately (from the Hydran's perspective) isn't
mauled badly enough to be the weakest shield. The 1/2 damage
funnels straight toward the threadbare shield #6 and gets nowhere with
the ISC reinforcement we all knew would be there.
Turn 4
The rest of Turn 4 is temporarily unavailable. This write-up was updated while I was on vacation. Rest assured that nothing important happened outside of the ISC scotching the Hydran shuttles. Turn 5
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