Ken Jones' X2 Romulan Rules

This is a write-up of the technology used by the X2 ships listed here.  Any resemblance to X2 technology elsewhere (especially at at the ADB's X2 topic) is intentional.  Systems are currently listed in the order received.  I have not made any semblance of trying to group them.

Articles are presented un-edited.  I do a little formatting for clarity and reference.

XDKJ.1 2X Shields:

While I like the idea of Mike Rapers regenerative shielding. I think that it should be based on size class. Smaller ships have the ability to regenerate faster because their shielding is not as rigid being spread over less total area.

XDKJ.1.2  Operation:

The ship will regenerate on each shield a number of points equal to it's size class. Only applied to one shield not cumulative between shields. But multiple shields may regenerate at the same time.

XD3KJ.1.2.1 Example:

A size Class 4 Destroyer will regenerate 4 points on each shield. While a Heavy Cruiser being Size Class 3 would only regenerate 3 points per shield.

XD3KJ.1.3 Restrictions:


A ship can not initiate Regenerative shielding until the normal step in the SOP to power shield repair.


A ship can not use Regenerative shielding if all boxes in a shield have been destroyed. The shield must be repaired to at least 1 box by normal shield repair rules before Regeneration can take place on the next turn.



I'm not claiming authorship of the P5 or P6. Just trying to standardize the info in one place. That I will be working from. The actual tables for both the phasers below are on the SSD's. I am skipping a number of steps to simplify the description.

XE2KJ.1.1 Phaser 5:

Phaser 5, Phaser V, PH-5, PHV (and other combinations) are all used interchangeably.

A Phaser 5 cost 1.5 power to arm. Can be rapid fired as 2 P6's.

Repair Cost: 7 Can be hastily repaired as a P6. (Or the phaser 2  2X equivalent if any of the Phaser 2.)

XE2KJ.1.2 Phaser 6:

Phaser 6 Phaser VI, PH-6 Phaser6 (and other combinations) are all used interchangeably.

A Phaser 6 costs 0.75 power to arm.

Repair Cost: 3


Phaser capacitor is 3 times the amount of power that can be fired from all the phasers aboard the ship in a single turn.

Plasma Upgrades

My Intention with Plasma Upgrades was to give the 2X ship more versatility without giving the GW ship something it has never faced before. There have been many interesting comments but nothing really useful without a LOT of balancing problems IMO.

So I settled for a broad range of modest upgrades. It doesn’t make a big difference to a GW ship if it has an EPT fired at it armed during EA or during the turn with reserve power.

I stayed with using 32/40 for Plasma Speeds. R10 hasn't been out for very long. None of us have much experience flying against Sabot Torps. So I don't see much need to tinker with Plasma speeds at this time.

XFPKJ.1: Plasma Upgrades

XFPKJ.1.1 Arming

Plasma Torpedoes can be Enveloped/Shotgunned/Heavy Shotgun with Reserve (or battery) Power. Instead of having to be allocated. Even Held torpedoes can be turned into an EPT/SG/HSG.

XFPKJ.2 Movement

Using Carl Magnuss Carlsons suggestion to SVC. Rom 2X Plasma Torpedoes can HET and move. Instead of merely Hetting in place as a stadard Plasma Torpedo. But it CAN NOT HET and move on the first move. It must either move straight ahead or HET in place as the standard Plasma torpedo. The Plasma can HET and move on impulse 1. As long as it wasn't launched on Impulse 32 of the previous turn. In which case the XFPKJ restriction kicks in.

DF Plasma
Long Range Bolt rule from SSJ1.
Basically any Bolt at a True Range of 11 or more will do Damage as if the Bolted Torpedo had hit after moving the same distance. (IE. It is not halved for Bolt Damage.) It costs as much to use a LRB as it does to Envelope the same Torpedo. Note: You can’t EPT and LRB to gain a type of Overload. It’s one or the other. See JFP2.0 in SSJ1 for more Details.

The main objection I have to the LRB is that it IS a SSJ rule. But maybe 2X tech was able to make it work.

XFPKJ.3 Pseudo Torpedoes

A minor improvement for Pseudo Torpedoes is the ability to simulate an EPT. Cost to boost the Pseudo Torpedo depends on the size of the launcher.
G/L =1
S     =2
M    =3
R     =4


Pseudo Torpedoes can be reloaded in a scenario. It takes 1 pt of power for 4 Turns with a fifth turn costing the same as the final turn of arming of the torpedo being simulated.

XFPKJ.4.1 Restriction:

On the final turn of rearming a PPT. Like a drone rack the launcher it is being placed in must be taken out of service.  Which means NO power can be allocated to that launcher. Or even have the launcher holding a Plasma F or L at 0 energy cost.


XFPKJ.5 2X Plasma D Rack

A 2X plasma D rack can exchange 1 Plasma D for 2 Plasma K. All other rules for the 2X Plasma D Rack are the same.

New Plasma Rules

XFPKJ.6 Heavy Shotgun (HSG)

The Heavy ShotGun [HSG] functions just like a regular plasma shotgun. Same arming costs and firing restrictions. See XFPKJ1.1. But instead of Plasma F's, The HSG generates Plasma L's. But it creates 1 less L than the number of F's normally generated by the regular ShotGun.

 Launcher  # of L's

S   =  2
M   =   3
R    =  4


Special Bridge

I went with Lorens proposal on using Special Bridge. As shown on the Romulan SSD’s.(With normal rules for being blinded.)

  The special abilities are only available while the unit so equipped has taken No Sensor or Scanner damage. After a single hit is scored on either system. The Special Bridge functions are no longer available until after the scenario. Even if all sensor/scanner damage is repaired. Due to the exceedingly difficult fine tuning nessecary.

Advanced Bridge
24 Controlling SW (Limit 1)
25 Identify SW
26 Detecting Mines
27 Gather Information
29 Tactical Intelligence

*Note: When deployed singlely. The unit equipped with Special Bridge can detect the Andromedan RTN.


I’m going to violate the Patrick Duffy rule and use the Commanders X2, Cloak rule reasoning. Because most of the proposals are potentially too unbalancing. Or they fail the KISS test.

That with the improvements in sensing technology the Romulans found the Cloak becoming less and less useful. But kept it out of a sense of tradition. (Plus the fact that it was still useful on the strategic scale.) 

The Cloak cost for all Romulan ships is listed below. the only change is Fade In/Out takes only 3 impulses.

XSE 6/2
XSH 8/2
XSP 18/4
XFH 22/4
XNH 24/4

*Note: If the SSD gives a different cost. Use the cost listed on the SSD. Currently the XFH/XNH do not have a Cloak cost listed.


NWO's Are all configured to be Cargo in most scenarios. Reflecting long term deployments. Note: The XFH has a special rule on the NWO/OPT mounts that are listed below. But the standard configuration is Cargo. A few XFH's had Flag Bridge facilities permanently installed. To serve as Fleet Command ships. With an increase of the Command rating for the XFH so equipped by one. But the increased Crew compliment for the Admiral strained the resources of the ship on prolonged patrols.

Phaser Refit Y209
The Phaser V Refit was applied only to a handful of ships before the Xork Invasion. But it was rapidly spread among the remaining ships as fast as practical once the invasion began. Before the invasion only a third of CA’s had received the refit. And other classes had gotten even fewer. The only ship with P-V universally deployed before the invasion was the XCC.  A number of ships also had additional PH-6's and PH-1's added as well.

Phaser 1's that are shaded become Phaser V. Shaded Phasers that are part of a bank of nonshaded phaser are simply additional phasers added by the refit.

Warp Refit Y207

Was originally tested on a XCL to help boost it’s performance. After some major shakedown testing it was determined that the warp field would be stable enough to place on a XCA hull. (The original cloak wouldn’t even have to be modified since it was overly powered anyway.) Only a handful of XCL’s had been built without it. And they had all been refitted before the Xork Invasion.

XFH Limited NWO/OPT:

The is a limited Option mount. Only able to take Phasers (No PH-V's) or Plasma D's. No other weapons are available. Phasers have 360. And Plasma D's are split one LS one RS. The weapons MUST be the same. IE: You cant place a phaser and Plasma D rack in the NWO/OPT mount. The standard configuration was Cargo.

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