Second-Generation X-Ships

A running discussion has taken place at the ABD's Discussion Boards ("Proposals Board" heading, "X-Files subheading" about the shape of second-generation X-ships.  Being someone who loves to play with ideas, and still has a few power-fantasy bones left in my body.  The old Commander's X2 left a very bad taste in my mouth.  The ships were overblown and one-dimensional to play both with and against.  I developed a tremendous prejudice against it and I have been the most vocal detractor of proposals that seemed to incorporate bits from it.  

Expect me to reorganize this page until I find a configuration that gives easy access to everything I want to give access to.

Currently, I am looking for a good way to present rules.

Rules Authors Comparison Pages Fleets

Everyone's rules in their (the rules not the person's) native habitat

Section C (Movement)

Section D (Combat)

Section E (DF Weapons)

Section F (Seeking Weapons)

Section G and H (General and Power)

Section J and K (Fighters and PFs)

Section R (X-ship descriptions)

Me! (Vorlonagent)

Jeff Tonglet

Tos Crawford

Mike Raper

Ken Jones

R Brodie Nyboer

Michael-John Campbell

Roger Dupuy

Fed XCA (Y205)

Klingon XBC

Kzinti XBC/XCC

ISC X2 Fleet (Me)

Romulan X2 Fleet (Ken Jones)

Lyran X2 Fleet (Michael-John Campbell)

Hydran X2 Fleet (Michael-John Campbell)


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