The ASIF works as the following...the listed systems are able to take double the
damage ( that is they take two points of damage each ) to destroty each box...if
the last point of damage strikes a box, it will destroy that box either in
conjunction with a preivous points of damage or on it's own. The SSD should have
a table on it (in four parts, low power, full power and the SSD box types of
each . They are Low Power:- Hull, Excess Damage, Armour.Full OPower, Cargo,
Baracks, Control, Lab, Shuttle bay.
ASIF works, as the listed systems take two points of damage to destroy if the
ASIF is running in a powered mode. Low Power:- Hull, Excess Damage, Armor.Full
Power:- Cargo Barracks, Control, Shuttle Bay, Lab. The last point of damage must
destroy a box reguardless of whether that is
in conjunction with the penultimate point of damage or by it'self. The A.S.I.F.
has a decreaing return, it cost the same ammount of power to
run reguardless of how many SDD boxes of a particularly type are running. The
ASIF increases to the protected level of the protected system 4 impulses
after power was applied to it, and looses the protective effect the instant
power is takenm away from WS-III an X2 ship may be considered to
have been opperating it's ASIF on the previous turn.