The X2 Photon Torpedo

One of the most-tweaked weapons for X2 has been the photon torpedo.  Proposals have varied from wanting to give the photon an easier time with single-turn arming to wanting to really up the damage.  They classify according to max OL damage: 16, 20 (most common) and 24.  personally, I tend to think along the lines of giving the photon a new ability or upping the damage.  Making it a better single-turn weapon blurs the difference between the photon and the disruptor.

E.MR.2.0 (Mike Raper)

The Photon uses a base damage of 10 instead of 8. The chart is the same as X1. 

Fastloads are limited to 12, normal overloads to 16. "Hot Loads"
of up to 20 points may be used, but any tube that fires such a torpedo must wait a period of time before firing again. For hot loads of up to 18
points, the time is 16 impulses. Over 18 points is 32 impulses.

E.MJC.2.0 (Michael-John Campbell)

24 Photon Photns fire with 12 impulse ( 17-20) and 16 impulse ( 21-24 ) double braodside penalties...

any photon armed with more then 6 points of warp in a single turn becomes unstable and can neither be held nor completed on a latter turn....

may choose prox or not with 4 impulse penalty....

may fire at R5-8 oin overloaded Proximity standards upto 12 points, may choose to fire 9-12 point warheads as standards or overloads at the instant of fire.  X2 Photons may Fire in Proximity Overload mode at the R5-8 bracket and may choose to convert regular shots ( standards and overloads ) to proxies and back with a four impulse delay.X2 Photons fired as 17-20 point waheads overheat and create a 12 impulse double broadside penalty and 21-24 pointers have a 16 point double broadside penalty. X2 Photons with more than 6 ( that's more than notmore than or equal to ) points of Warp added to them may be neither completed nor held because of instability ( but will be availible for fire this turn ).

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