Existing Plasma
XFPKJ.1.1 Arming
Plasma Torpedoes can be Enveloped/Shotgunned/Heavy Shotgun with Reserve (or
battery) Power. Instead of having to be allocated. Even Held torpedoes can be
turned into an EPT/SG/HSG.
Using Carl Magnuss Carlsons suggestion to SVC. Rom 2X Plasma Torpedoes
can HET and move. Instead of merely Hetting in place as a stadard Plasma
Torpedo. But it CAN NOT HET and move on the first move. It must either move
straight ahead or HET in place as the standard Plasma torpedo. The Plasma can
HET and move on impulse 1. As long as it wasn't launched on Impulse 32 of the
previous turn. In which case the XFPKJ restriction kicks in.
DF Plasma
(Long Range
Bolt rule from SSJ1)
Basically any Bolt at a True Range of 11 or more will do Damage as if the
Bolted Torpedo had hit after moving the same distance. (IE. It is not halved for
Bolt Damage.) It costs as much to use a LRB as it does to Envelope the same
Torpedo. Note: You can’t EPT and LRB to gain a type of Overload. It’s one or
the other. See JFP2.0 in SSJ1 for more Details.
XFPKJ.3 Pseudo
A minor improvement for Pseudo Torpedoes is the ability to simulate an EPT. Cost
to boost the Pseudo Torpedo depends on the size of the launcher.
G/L =1
S =2
M =3
R =4
Torpedoes can be reloaded in a scenario. It takes 1 pt of power for 4 Turns with
a fifth turn costing the same as the final turn of arming of the torpedo being
the final turn of rearming a PPT. Like a drone rack the launcher it is being
placed in must be taken out of service. Which
means NO power can be allocated to that launcher. Or even have the launcher
holding a Plasma F or L at 0 energy cost.
2X Plasma D Rack
2X plasma D rack can exchange 1 Plasma D for 2 Plasma K. All other rules for the
2X Plasma D Rack are the same.
Plasma Rules
Heavy Shotgun (HSG)
Heavy ShotGun [HSG] functions just like a regular plasma shotgun. Same arming
costs and firing restrictions. See XFPKJ1.1. But instead of Plasma F's, The HSG
generates Plasma L's. But it creates 1 less L than the number of F's normally
generated by the regular ShotGun.
Launcher # of L's
= 2
M =
R =