G.X2.KJ.2.0: Cloak Upgrades (Ken Jones)

I’m going to violate the Patrick Duffy rule and use the Commanders X2, Cloak rule reasoning. Because most of the proposals are potentially too unbalancing. Or they fail the KISS test. 

That with the improvements in sensing technology the Romulans found the Cloak becoming less and less useful. But kept it out of a sense of tradition. (Plus the fact that it was still useful on the strategic scale.)   

The Cloak cost for all my Romulan ships is listed below. the only change is Fade In/Out takes only 3 impulses.

XSE 6/2
XSH 8/2
XSP 18/4
XFH 22/4
XNH 24/4

*Note: If the SSD gives a different cost. Use the cost listed on the SSD. Currently the XFH/XNH do not have a Cloak cost listed.

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