5SFA Tournament 

Game #106

Vorlon vs Instigator

<---click on image for full view---> 

Vorlon in the Andromedan TC
Instigator in the Klingon TC
Moderated by Mystik
Game Started: July 1st, 1998.
Page last Updated: October 21th, 1998.
Current Status turn 2.3

Turn 1
Turn 2
Current Map


5SFA106.1.32 Sitrep EOT
Klingon D7CT :  Instigator              Email: rrardain@aol.com
Andromedan Krait: John Trauger  Email: vorlon@vorlonagent.com
Moderator: Mystik/Greg Boughton Email: Gregory_Boughton@compuserve.com

BREAK CONDITION :   AutoBreak for Andro.
DEADLINE: Need EAFs by 10/5(sooner if possible).
SHIP            HEX     SPEED   
Klingon D7CT    2530A   15
Andro TC                1701D   28
KD1&2           2422A   20      Launch hex

IMP     D7CT    Andro TC        KD1&2
0       ----    ----    
1       ----    1801C
2       ----    1902C
3       2529A   2002C
4       ----    2103C
5       2428A   2203C
6       ----    2304C
7       2427A   2404C
8       ----    2505C
9       2327A   ----
10      ----    2605C
11      2326A   2706C
12      ----    2806C
13      2225A   2907C
14      ----    3007C
15      2224A   3108C
16      ----    3208C
17      ----    ----
18      2324B   3209D
19      ----    3110D
20      2323B   3111D
21      ----    3011D
22      2422B   3012D   *2422A
23      ----    3013D   2421A
24      2421B   3014D   2521B
25      2521B   ----    ----
26      2520B   3015D   2520B
27      ----    2916E   ----
28      2619B   2815E   2619B
29      2618B   #2710E  2618A
30      ----    2610E   ----
31      2617A   2510E   2617A
32      2616A   2409F   2616A

· Denotes launch in that hex.
@ Denotes destroyed in that hex.
# Denotes displacement

Imp 0: Klingon D7CT annouces speed of 15.
Imp 0: Andro TC announces speed of 28.  
Imp 22: Klingon launches 2 drones -KD1&2, spd 20, dir A 
Imp 24: Klingon announces speed change to 21.  
Imp 28: Andro fires 2x TR-H(A,B), 4xP-2(#s1-4). 39 points damage to Shield 6, 
        9 internals -> 2x A hull, 4x F hull, Torp(A), Phaser(#10), and Trans.
Imp 29: Andro declares displacement.  Rolls a 4, displacement works.
Weapon  Roll    Damage

Shield damage   
Roll    Damage  Roll    Damage

SHIP            HEX     SPEED   
Klingon D7CT    2616A   21
Andro TC                2409F   28
KD1&2           2616A   20

NOTES:    Any other problems, email me.


5SFA106.2.03 Sitrep Andro.
Klingon D7CT :  Instigator              Email: rrardain@aol.com
Andromedan Krait: John Trauger  Email: vorlon@vorlonagent.com
Moderator: Mystik/Greg Boughton Email: Gregory_Boughton@compuserve.com
BREAK CONDITION :   Andro - Klingon turn.
DEADLINE: Need SOP by 10/22(sooner if possible).
SHIP            HEX     SPEED
Klingon D7CT    2616A   24
Andro TC        2409F   28
KD1&2           2616A   20      Launch 1:22
IMP     D7CT    Andro TC        KD1&2
0       2616A   2409F   2616A
1       ----    ----    ----
2       2516A   2309F   2516A
3       2415F   ??      ----
· Denotes launch in that hex.
@ Denotes destroyed in that hex.
# Denotes displacement
Imp 0: Klingon D7CT annouces speed of 24.
Imp 0: Andro TC announces speed of 28.
Weapon  Roll    Damage
Shield damage
Roll    Damage  Roll    Damage
SHIP            HEX     SPEED
Klingon D7CT    2415F   24
Andro TC        ??      28
KD1&2           ??      20
NOTES:   Possible accelerated play on Monday ,10/26 around 6:30pm.  We need
a chat room and confirmations.  I believe ICQ allows non compuserve people to use compuserve chat rooms.  I am not sure if we could use an AOL chat room or not.  Any suggestions?
Current map (if available)
Game:  SFA5 Game #106   Turn: 2  Impulse: 1  Status: Klingon Conceeds!

In Corner #1: Weighing 135,000 tons, Representing those crosses between the Flying Dutchman and Babylon 5's Shadows John Trauger (AKA Vorlon) in the Andomedan TC

In Corner #2: Weighing 161,000 tons, Representing those kooky guys who think a police state is too liberal, Instigator in the Klingon TCC

Whoa!  Quick doubletake! 

Haven't I seen this before?  Yup. HR4 #4075.  I'm moderating this exact matchup. 

Turn 1
IMP Mister "I" is putting along at 15 while I'm stylin' at 28.  So far  he's just gone straight and sideslipped towards the center.  Hmmmm.  Overloads?  could be... 
IMP 19: After I flew across his bow and began to turn up (still direction C, not D) he's turned towards me. So obliging.  We'll see what we can do for him... 
IMP 22: looks like we both asked for a break when my turn mode was fulfilled... 
Then he shoots a couple of drones at me... 
IMP 24 Aha!  the Klingon's showing a bit of life, accelerating to blistering speed of...21.  Blackjack, I guess.  His drones are closing at speed 20.  Quite frankly, I wonder why he bothered after waiting so long.  Especially with speed-20's...  I will probably only bother with them if The Device fails. 
IMP 27: Blood!  9 Internals: 1 Phase, a disruptor, a Transporter and the rest were hull.  I can dig it.  Now I thought I was dis-deving so we'll see how the guy responds...ACK!  I FORGOT TO DIS-DEV!  We both move next turn so the range goes to 3!  The only bright spot is I hosed a disruptor so his max heavy weapon damage is 24.  He isn't likely to crest the 60 points of damage my front panels could hold.  I could have HETed away and taken it on my rear panels at range 4 but throught, "nahhhh...I'll take the extra 20 points of capacity and not burn my HET bonus."  Still a bad way to start.  I'm lucky I bagged the Disr.  Of course, he's got a 91 in 216 chance of missing with a disruptor... 
IMP 32: HUH?!?!?!?  HE LET ME GO?!?!  What did he do with his power?!?  I can only assume he decided to reinforce the wrong shield.  But that can't be, either.  Normal maneuver and fire should put me off his #6 and that's the shield I hit.  In the words of Bugs Bunny, "I don't understand it, but I love it." 
IMP 29: Uh oh.  Rewind.  But I still got the Dis-Dev off. 

Turn 2
This should be cute.  I've got room to run but nowhere really safe to run TO.  My only real task is to keep the guy outside range 4.  Otherwise, it doesn't matter much. 
Speeds: Me: 28.  Him 24. 
IMP 3: KLINGON TURN TO F?!?  Doesn't he have to travel 5 hexes first?  I think he's traveled 3... 

Nope.  He couldn't, I guess.  I got a sitrep backdated to IMP 1 with a note that the Klingon conceded.  Pity. 

But I'll take it.

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